►Nnetdem | |
►Nwebgpu | |
CMath | |
CPrefixSum | |
CRadixSort | |
CResourceManager | |
CBondedSpheres | A class representing a sphere bonded to other spheres through contact pairs |
CBondedVoronois | A class representing a set of bonded Voronoi cells generated from an STL file |
CBondEntry | Collection of contact geometries and forces for one bond |
CBondEntryData | A struct that represents data associated with a bond entry |
CBondEntryParser | A class that provides functions to convert bond entry data between a class and a struct format |
CBondGeometries | Geometrical properties of a bond |
CBondSolverPP | A class for solving point-point bonds between particles |
CBondSolverPW | A class for solving point-wall bonds between a particle and a wall |
CBreakageAnalysis | A modifier class for performing breakage analysis on particles |
CBreakageAnalysisPD | A modifier class for performing breakage analysis on particles |
CCell | A class representing a cell in a simulation grid |
CCellManager | A class responsible for managing cells in a simulation grid |
CCGALWrapper | The CGAL class provides a wrapper for various CGAL mesh operations |
CCodedNetSDF | A class for representing a shape using a neural network-generated signed distance function and a latent code |
CCollisionEntry | A class representing a collision entry |
CCollisionEntryData | A struct that represents data associated with a collision entry |
CCollisionEntryParser | A class that provides functions to convert collision entry data between a class and a struct format |
CCollisionGeometries | A class representing the geometries associated with a collision |
CCollisionSolverPP | An abstract base class for particle-particle collision solvers |
CCollisionSolverPW | An abstract class representing a collision solver for a particle and a wall |
CCommand | A base class for commands that can modify a simulation based on provided JSON information |
CCommandCreate | A command class to create an object in the simulation |
CContactForces | A class representing the contact forces and moments arising from a contact interaction |
CContactModel | An abstract base class for contact models |
CContactModelFactory | A factory class for creating contact models |
CContactPP | A class representing a contact between two particles |
CContactPPData | A struct that represents data associated with pairwise particle contact |
CContactPPParser | A class for converting between ContactPP objects and ContactPPData structs |
CContactPW | A class representing a contact between a particle and a wall |
CContactPWData | Struct representing particle-wall contact data for MPI communication |
CContactPWParser | A class for converting between ContactPW objects and ContactPWData structs |
CContactSolverFactory | A factory class for creating and managing contact solvers |
CContactSolverSettings | A container class for settings related to contact solvers |
CCorkWrapper | The Cork namespace contains various static methods for performing mesh operations |
CCylinder | A class for representing a cylinder shape |
CDataDumper | A class used to dump particle data into vtk files. This is a post-modifier, which will be executed at the end of a DEM cycle |
CDeformableParticle | A class representing a deformable particle simulated using the Finite Element Method (FEM) |
CDeformationAnalysis | A class used to perform deformation analysis on particles in a DEM simulation. This is a post-modifier, which will be executed at the end of a DEM cycle |
CDEMFragment | A class representing a fragment in a discrete element method simulation |
CDEMObjectPool | A class implementing object pooling for particles and contacts |
CDEMProfiler | A profiler class for measuring performance metrics in a DEM simulation |
CDEMSolver | A solver class for performing discrete element method (DEM) simulations |
CDistribution | |
CDomain | Class for managing the simulation domain and particles that belong to it |
CDomainManager | A class that manages the domain and sub-domains for a DEM simulation |
CDomainSplittor | An abstract base class for domain splitters used in discrete element method simulations |
CEigenWrapper | Wrapper for various Eigen matrix operations |
CEllipsoid | A class for representing an ellipsoid shape |
CExternalForce | A class used to add external forces to particles in a DEM simulation. This is a pre-modifier, which will be executed at the beginning of a DEM cycle |
CFEMSimulator | A Finite Element Method (FEM) simulator used for simulating the deformation of objects |
CGeneralNet | A class representing a general neural network |
CGoldenSpiralSampler | A class for generating samples from a weighted spherical centroidal Voronoi tessellation |
CGravity | A class used to apply gravity to particles in a DEM simulation |
CHertzMindlin | A contact model based on the Hertz-Mindlin theory of elastic-plastic contact |
CIGLWrapper | |
CInputProcessor | A class that processes input JSON files to modify a simulation |
CIO | |
CLevelSet | A class for representing a level set function as a Shape object |
CLevelSetFunction | Class for representing a level set function on a regular grid |
CLevelSetSplittor | A domain splitter that uses a level set function to define the domain |
CLinearSpring | Contact model that uses linear spring elements to evaluate contact forces and moments |
►CMath | |
CQuaternion | |
CMembrane | A class that simulates a membrane |
CMembraneWall | A class used to model a membrane wall in a DEM simulation |
CMiniMap | |
CMLPackUtils | A class that defines several utility methods for ANN |
CModifier | An interface class used to modify a DEM simulation |
CModifierManager | A class used to manage modifiers in a simulation |
CMPIDataDefine | A class for defining MPI datatypes for various data structures |
CMPIManager | Manages the data exchange in a DEM simulation |
CNeighPofP | A class representing a particle in contact with another particle or wall |
CNeighPofW | A class representing a particle in contact with a wall |
CNeighWofP | A class representing a wall in contact with a particle |
CNetSDF | A class for representing a shape using a neural network-based signed distance function (SDF) |
CPackGenerator | A class for generating packs of particles |
CPair | |
CPairHash | |
CParallelBond | Contact model that evaluates forces and moments between two particles using parallel bond models |
CParticle | |
CParticleData | A struct defining the particle data for MPI communication |
CParticleDataGPU | A struct defining the particle data for MPI communication |
CParticleEnergy | A struct used to hold energy information about a particle |
CParticleEnergyEvaluator | A class used to evaluate the energy of particles in a DEM simulation |
CParticleGroup | A class used to group particles in a DEM simulation |
CParticleMotionControl | A class used to add motion control to particles in a DEM simulation |
CParticleParser | A class for converting between Particle objects and ParticleData structs |
CParticleParserGPU | A class for converting between Particle objects and ParticleDataGPU structs |
CParticleStressEvaluator | A class used to evaluate the stress of particles in a DEM simulation |
CPeriDigmBlock | A class that represents a Peridigm block |
CPeriDigmBoundaryCondition | A class that represents a boundary condition for Peridigm |
CPeriDigmDamageModel | A class representing a damage model |
CPeriDigmDEMCoupler | A class representing a coupling between a discrete element method (DEM) simulation and a peridynamic simulation |
CPeriDigmDiscretization | A class representing the discretization of a peridynamic simulation |
CPeriDigmMaterial | A class representing the material properties used in a peridynamic simulation |
CPeriDigmSettings | A class representing the settings used in a peridynamic simulation |
CPeriDigmSimulator | A class representing a simulator for peridynamic simulations |
CPeriDigmStrength | |
CPlane | A class for representing a plane with a center point and normal vector |
CPointSphere | A class representing a point sphere with a given diameter |
CPolybezier | A class representing a polybezier with variable orders and patches |
CPolySuperEllipsoid | A class representing a poly superellipsoid with two different orders and three different axes |
CPolySuperQuadrics | A class representing a poly superquadric with three different axes and orders |
CRandomEngine | A class for generating random numbers |
CRegressionNet | A class that represents a feedforward neural network for regression |
CScene | A class for managing the elements in a DEM simulation. Scene behaves as a std container: |
CSDFCalculator | Class for computing signed distance fields from triangle meshes |
CShape | This class represents different types of shapes and performs various calculations on them |
CShapeFactory | A class for creating Shape objects using a factory pattern |
CSimplex | A simplex class for representing a convex hull in n-dimensional space |
CSimulation | Class for managing a DEM simulation |
CSolverANNPP | A class that represents a collision solver using artificial neural networks |
CSolverANNPPlane | A class that represents a collision solver between a particle and a plane using artificial neural networks |
CSolverANNPW | A class that represents a collision solver between two particles using artificial neural networks |
CSolverBooleanPP | Solver for triangle mesh contacts between two particles using boolean operations |
CSolverBooleanPW | Solver for triangle mesh and wall contacts using boolean operations |
CSolverGJKPP | GJK solver for convex geometries |
CSolverGJKPW | GJK solver for convex geometries |
CSolverSDFPP | Signed distance field-based contact solver |
CSolverSDFPW | A class used to solve collisions between a particle and a wall using a signed distance field |
CSolverSpherePlane | A class used to solve collisions between a sphere and a plane |
CSolverSphereSphere | A class used to solve collisions between two spheres |
CSolverSphereTriangle | A class used to solve collisions between a particle and a triangle |
CSphere | A class representing a sphere |
CSphericalHarmonics | A class representing a spherical harmonics object |
CSphericalVoronoi | Class for computing Voronoi diagrams on a sphere |
CSTLModel | Class for working with STL models |
CSTLReader | A class for reading STL files |
CTetMesh | A class that represents a tetrahedral mesh |
CTetMeshSplittor | A class representing a domain splitter for tetrahedral meshes |
CTriangle | A class representing a triangle in 3D space |
CTriMesh | A class representing a triangular mesh in 3D space |
CUnbalancedForceRatioEvaluator | A class used to evaluate the unbalanced force ratio of particles in a DEM simulation |
CUniformDistribution | Generates random numbers from a uniform distribution |
CVolumeBased | Contact model that evaluates forces and moments based on volume overlap and relative velocity |
CVoronoi | A class for computing Voronoi diagrams |
CWall | A class representing a wall object in a physics simulation |
CWallBoxPlane | A class for generating a box of six walls |
CWallBoxPlate | A class for generating a box of six walls with plates |
CWallGroup | A class used to group walls in a DEM simulation |
CWallMotionControl | A class used to control the displacement of walls in a DEM simulation |
CWallMotionIntegrator | A class used to integrate the motion of walls in a DEM simulation |
CWallServoControl | A class used to control the pressure of walls in a DEM simulation |
CWebGPUManager | |
CWebGPUWrapper | |
CWSCVTSampler | A class for generating samples from a weighted spherical centroidal Voronoi tessellation |