NetDEM v1.0
No Matches
netdem Namespace Reference


namespace  webgpu


class  BondedSpheres
 A class representing a sphere bonded to other spheres through contact pairs. More...
class  BondedVoronois
 A class representing a set of bonded Voronoi cells generated from an STL file. More...
class  BondEntry
 The BondEntry class represents a collection of contact geometries and forces for one bond. More...
struct  BondEntryData
 A struct that represents data associated with a bond entry. More...
class  BondEntryParser
 A class that provides functions to convert bond entry data between a class and a struct format. More...
class  BondGeometries
 The BondGeometries class represents the geometrical properties of a bond. More...
class  BondSolverPP
 A class for solving point-point bonds between particles. More...
class  BondSolverPW
 A class for solving point-wall bonds between a particle and a wall. More...
class  BreakageAnalysis
 A modifier class for performing breakage analysis on particles. More...
class  BreakageAnalysisPD
 A modifier class for performing breakage analysis on particles. More...
class  Cell
 A class representing a cell in a simulation grid. More...
class  CellManager
 A class responsible for managing cells in a simulation grid. More...
class  CGALWrapper
 The CGAL class provides a wrapper for various CGAL mesh operations. More...
class  CodedNetSDF
 A class for representing a shape using a neural network-generated signed distance function and a latent code. More...
class  CollisionEntry
 A class representing a collision entry. More...
struct  CollisionEntryData
 A struct that represents data associated with a collision entry. More...
class  CollisionEntryParser
 A class that provides functions to convert collision entry data between a class and a struct format. More...
class  CollisionGeometries
 A class representing the geometries associated with a collision. More...
class  CollisionSolverPP
 An abstract base class for particle-particle collision solvers. More...
class  CollisionSolverPW
 An abstract class representing a collision solver for a particle and a wall. More...
class  Command
 A base class for commands that can modify a simulation based on provided JSON information. More...
class  CommandCreate
 A command class to create an object in the simulation. More...
class  ContactForces
 A class representing the contact forces and moments arising from a contact interaction. More...
class  ContactModel
 An abstract base class for contact models. More...
class  ContactModelFactory
 A factory class for creating contact models. More...
class  ContactPP
 A class representing a contact between two particles. More...
struct  ContactPPData
 A struct that represents data associated with pairwise particle contact. More...
class  ContactPPParser
 A class for converting between ContactPP objects and ContactPPData structs. More...
class  ContactPW
 A class representing a contact between a particle and a wall. More...
struct  ContactPWData
 Struct representing particle-wall contact data for MPI communication. More...
class  ContactPWParser
 A class for converting between ContactPW objects and ContactPWData structs. More...
class  ContactSolverFactory
 A factory class for creating and managing contact solvers. More...
class  ContactSolverSettings
 A container class for settings related to contact solvers. More...
class  CorkWrapper
 The Cork namespace contains various static methods for performing mesh operations. More...
class  Cylinder
 A class for representing a cylinder shape. More...
class  DataDumper
 A class used to dump particle data into vtk files. This is a post-modifier, which will be executed at the end of a DEM cycle. More...
class  DeformableParticle
 A class representing a deformable particle simulated using the Finite Element Method (FEM). More...
class  DeformationAnalysis
 A class used to perform deformation analysis on particles in a DEM simulation. This is a post-modifier, which will be executed at the end of a DEM cycle. More...
class  DEMFragment
 A class representing a fragment in a discrete element method simulation. More...
class  DEMObjectPool
 A class implementing object pooling for particles and contacts. More...
class  DEMProfiler
 A profiler class for measuring performance metrics in a DEM simulation. More...
class  DEMSolver
 A solver class for performing discrete element method (DEM) simulations. More...
class  Distribution
class  Domain
 Class for managing the simulation domain and particles that belong to it. More...
class  DomainManager
 A class that manages the domain and sub-domains for a DEM simulation. More...
class  DomainSplittor
 An abstract base class for domain splitters used in discrete element method simulations. More...
class  EigenWrapper
 The EigenWrapper class provides a wrapper for various Eigen matrix operations. More...
class  Ellipsoid
 A class for representing an ellipsoid shape. More...
class  ExternalForce
 A class used to add external forces to particles in a DEM simulation. This is a pre-modifier, which will be executed at the beginning of a DEM cycle. More...
class  FEMSimulator
 A Finite Element Method (FEM) simulator used for simulating the deformation of objects. More...
class  GeneralNet
 A class representing a general neural network. More...
class  GoldenSpiralSampler
 A class for generating samples from a weighted spherical centroidal Voronoi tessellation. More...
class  Gravity
 A class used to apply gravity to particles in a DEM simulation. More...
class  HertzMindlin
 A contact model based on the Hertz-Mindlin theory of elastic-plastic contact. More...
class  IGLWrapper
class  InputProcessor
 A class that processes input JSON files to modify a simulation. More...
class  IO
class  LevelSet
 A class for representing a level set function as a Shape object. More...
class  LevelSetFunction
 Class for representing a level set function on a regular grid. More...
class  LevelSetSplittor
 A domain splitter that uses a level set function to define the domain. More...
class  LinearSpring
 Contact model that uses linear spring elements to evaluate contact forces and moments. More...
class  Math
class  Membrane
 A class that simulates a membrane. More...
class  MembraneWall
 A class used to model a membrane wall in a DEM simulation. More...
class  MiniMap
class  MLPackUtils
 A class that defines several utility methods for ANN. More...
class  Modifier
 An interface class used to modify a DEM simulation. More...
class  ModifierManager
 A class used to manage modifiers in a simulation. More...
class  MPIDataDefine
 A class for defining MPI datatypes for various data structures. More...
class  MPIManager
 Manages the data exchange in a DEM simulation. More...
class  NeighPofP
 A class representing a particle in contact with another particle or wall. More...
class  NeighPofW
 A class representing a particle in contact with a wall. More...
class  NeighWofP
 A class representing a wall in contact with a particle. More...
class  NetSDF
 A class for representing a shape using a neural network-based signed distance function (SDF). More...
class  PackGenerator
 A class for generating packs of particles. More...
struct  Pair
struct  PairHash
class  ParallelBond
 Contact model that evaluates forces and moments between two particles using parallel bond models. More...
class  Particle
struct  ParticleData
 A struct defining the particle data for MPI communication. More...
struct  ParticleDataGPU
 A struct defining the particle data for MPI communication. More...
struct  ParticleEnergy
 A struct used to hold energy information about a particle. More...
class  ParticleEnergyEvaluator
 A class used to evaluate the energy of particles in a DEM simulation. More...
class  ParticleGroup
 A class used to group particles in a DEM simulation. More...
class  ParticleMotionControl
 A class used to add motion control to particles in a DEM simulation. More...
class  ParticleParser
 A class for converting between Particle objects and ParticleData structs. More...
class  ParticleParserGPU
 A class for converting between Particle objects and ParticleDataGPU structs. More...
class  ParticleStressEvaluator
 A class used to evaluate the stress of particles in a DEM simulation. More...
class  PeriDigmBlock
 A class that represents a Peridigm block. More...
class  PeriDigmBoundaryCondition
 A class that represents a boundary condition for Peridigm. More...
class  PeriDigmDamageModel
 A class representing a damage model. More...
class  PeriDigmDEMCoupler
 A class representing a coupling between a discrete element method (DEM) simulation and a peridynamic simulation. More...
class  PeriDigmDiscretization
 A class representing the discretization of a peridynamic simulation. More...
class  PeriDigmMaterial
 A class representing the material properties used in a peridynamic simulation. More...
class  PeriDigmSettings
 A class representing the settings used in a peridynamic simulation. More...
class  PeriDigmSimulator
 A class representing a simulator for peridynamic simulations. More...
class  PeriDigmStrength
class  Plane
 A class for representing a plane with a center point and normal vector. More...
class  PointSphere
 A class representing a point sphere with a given diameter. More...
class  Polybezier
 A class representing a polybezier with variable orders and patches. More...
class  PolySuperEllipsoid
 A class representing a poly superellipsoid with two different orders and three different axes. More...
class  PolySuperQuadrics
 A class representing a poly superquadric with three different axes and orders. More...
class  RandomEngine
 A class for generating random numbers. More...
class  RegressionNet
 A class that represents a feedforward neural network for regression. More...
class  Scene
 A class for managing the elements in a DEM simulation. Scene behaves as a std container: More...
class  SDFCalculator
 Class for computing signed distance fields from triangle meshes. More...
class  Shape
 This class represents different types of shapes and performs various calculations on them. More...
class  ShapeFactory
 A class for creating Shape objects using a factory pattern. More...
class  Simplex
 A simplex class for representing a convex hull in n-dimensional space. More...
class  Simulation
 Class for managing a DEM simulation. More...
class  SolverANNPP
 A class that represents a collision solver using artificial neural networks. More...
class  SolverANNPPlane
 A class that represents a collision solver between a particle and a plane using artificial neural networks. More...
class  SolverANNPW
 A class that represents a collision solver between two particles using artificial neural networks. More...
class  SolverBooleanPP
 Solver for triangle mesh contacts between two particles using boolean operations. More...
class  SolverBooleanPW
 Solver for triangle mesh and wall contacts using boolean operations. More...
class  SolverGJKPP
 GJK solver for convex geometries. More...
class  SolverGJKPW
 GJK solver for convex geometries. More...
class  SolverSDFPP
 Signed distance field-based contact solver. More...
class  SolverSDFPW
 A class used to solve collisions between a particle and a wall using a signed distance field. More...
class  SolverSpherePlane
 A class used to solve collisions between a sphere and a plane. More...
class  SolverSphereSphere
 A class used to solve collisions between two spheres. More...
class  SolverSphereTriangle
 A class used to solve collisions between a particle and a triangle. More...
class  Sphere
 A class representing a sphere. More...
class  SphericalHarmonics
 A class representing a spherical harmonics object. More...
class  SphericalVoronoi
 Class for computing Voronoi diagrams on a sphere. More...
class  STLModel
 Class for working with STL models. More...
class  STLReader
 A class for reading STL files. More...
class  TetMesh
 A class that represents a tetrahedral mesh. More...
class  TetMeshSplittor
 A class representing a domain splitter for tetrahedral meshes. More...
class  Triangle
 A class representing a triangle in 3D space. More...
class  TriMesh
 A class representing a triangular mesh in 3D space. More...
class  UnbalancedForceRatioEvaluator
 A class used to evaluate the unbalanced force ratio of particles in a DEM simulation. More...
class  UniformDistribution
 Generates random numbers from a uniform distribution. More...
class  VolumeBased
 Contact model that evaluates forces and moments based on volume overlap and relative velocity. More...
class  Voronoi
 A class for computing Voronoi diagrams. More...
class  Wall
 A class representing a wall object in a physics simulation. More...
class  WallBoxPlane
 A class for generating a box of six walls. More...
class  WallBoxPlate
 A class for generating a box of six walls with plates. More...
class  WallGroup
 A class used to group walls in a DEM simulation. More...
class  WallMotionControl
 A class used to control the displacement of walls in a DEM simulation. More...
class  WallMotionIntegrator
 A class used to integrate the motion of walls in a DEM simulation. More...
class  WallServoControl
 A class used to control the pressure of walls in a DEM simulation. More...
class  WebGPUManager
class  WebGPUWrapper
class  WSCVTSampler
 A class for generating samples from a weighted spherical centroidal Voronoi tessellation. More...


using size_t = std::size_t
using Vec2i = std::array<int, 2>
using Vec3i = std::array<int, 3>
using Vec4i = std::array<int, 4>
using Vec2d = std::array<double, 2>
using Vec3d = std::array<double, 3>
using Vec4d = std::array<double, 4>
using Mat2d = std::array<std::array<double, 2>, 2>
using Mat3d = std::array<std::array<double, 3>, 3>
template<size_t N>
using VecNi = std::array<int, N>
template<size_t N>
using VecNd = std::array<double, N>
template<size_t Nr, size_t Nc>
using MatNd = std::array<std::array<double, Nc>, Nr>
using VecXd = std::vector<double>
template<typename T >
using VecXT = std::vector<T>
template<typename T , size_t N>
using VecNT = std::array<T, N>
template<typename T >
using List = std::list<T>


void STDToEigen (const VecXT< VecXT< double > > &std_mat, Eigen::MatrixXd *eigen_mat)
void STDToEigen (const VecXT< Vec3d > &std_mat, Eigen::MatrixXd *eigen_mat)
void STDToEigen (const Mat3d &std_mat, Eigen::Matrix3d *eigen_mat)
void STDToEigen (const VecXT< Vec3i > &std_mat, Eigen::MatrixXi *eigen_mat)
void STDToEigen (const VecXT< Vec4i > &std_mat, Eigen::MatrixXi *eigen_mat)
void STDToEigen (const VecXT< double > &std_vec, Eigen::VectorXd *eigen_vec)
void STDToEigen (const Vec3d &std_vec, Eigen::Vector3d *eigen_vec)
void EigenToSTD (VecXT< VecXT< double > > *const std_mat, const Eigen::MatrixXd &eigen_mat)
void EigenToSTD (VecXT< Vec3d > *const std_mat, const Eigen::MatrixXd &eigen_mat)
void EigenToSTD (Mat3d *const std_mat, const Eigen::Matrix3d &eigen_mat)
void EigenToSTD (VecXT< Vec3i > *const std_mat, const Eigen::MatrixXi &eigen_mat)
void EigenToSTD (VecXT< Vec4i > *const std_mat, const Eigen::MatrixXi &eigen_mat)
void EigenToSTD (VecXT< int > *const std_vec, const Eigen::VectorXi &eigen_vec)
void EigenToSTD (VecXT< double > *const std_vec, const Eigen::VectorXd &eigen_vec)
void EigenToSTD (Vec3d *const std_vec, const Eigen::Vector3d &eigen_vec)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &js, const BondEntry &obj)
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &js, BondEntry &obj)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &js, const CollisionEntry &obj)
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &js, CollisionEntry &obj)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &js, const ContactPP &obj)
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &js, ContactPP &obj)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &js, const ContactPW &obj)
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &js, ContactPW &obj)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &js, const Particle &obj)
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &js, Particle &obj)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &js, const Wall &obj)
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &js, Wall &obj)
 NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE (BondGeometries, pos, dir_n, dir_s, dir_t, branch_1, branch_2, pos_ini, dir_n_ini, dir_s_ini, dir_t_ini, pos_1_ini, pos_2_ini, quat_1_ini, quat_2_ini, radius, len_n, len_s, len_t, dlen_n, dlen_s, dlen_t, theta_n, theta_s, theta_t, dtheta_n, dtheta_s, dtheta_t, active) NLOHMANN_DEFINE_TYPE_NON_INTRUSIVE(CollisionGeometries
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Vec3i const &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Vec3d const &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, VecXd const &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Vec4d const &obj)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Mat3d const &obj)
Vec3d operator+ (Vec3d const &lhs, double rhs)
Vec3d operator+ (double lhs, Vec3d const &rhs)
Vec3i operator+ (Vec3i const &lhs, int rhs)
Vec3i operator+ (int lhs, Vec3i const &rhs)
Vec3d operator- (Vec3d const &lhs, double rhs)
Vec3d operator- (double lhs, Vec3d const &rhs)
Vec3d operator* (Vec3d const &lhs, double rhs)
Vec3d operator* (double lhs, Vec3d const &rhs)
Vec3d operator/ (Vec3d const &lhs, double rhs)
Vec3d operator/ (double lhs, Vec3d const &rhs)
Vec3d operator+ (Vec3d const &lhs, Vec3d const &rhs)
Vec3d operator- (Vec3d const &lhs, Vec3d const &rhs)
Vec3d operator* (Vec3d const &lhs, Vec3d const &rhs)
Vec3d operator/ (Vec3d const &lhs, Vec3d const &rhs)
Mat3d operator* (Mat3d const &lhs, double rhs)
Mat3d operator* (double lhs, Mat3d const &rhs)
Mat3d operator/ (Mat3d const &lhs, double rhs)
Mat3d operator/ (double lhs, Mat3d const &rhs)
Mat3d operator+ (Mat3d const &lhs, Mat3d const &rhs)
Mat3d operator- (Mat3d const &lhs, Mat3d const &rhs)
template<size_t N>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, VecNd< N > const &obj)



Detailed Description

Namespace containing classes and functions for the neural network-enabled discrete element simulation.

Typedef Documentation

◆ List

template<typename T >
using netdem::List = std::list<T>

◆ Mat2d

using netdem::Mat2d = std::array<std::array<double, 2>, 2>

◆ Mat3d

using netdem::Mat3d = std::array<std::array<double, 3>, 3>

◆ MatNd

template<size_t Nr, size_t Nc>
using netdem::MatNd = std::array<std::array<double, Nc>, Nr>

◆ size_t

using netdem::size_t = std::size_t

◆ Vec2d

using netdem::Vec2d = std::array<double, 2>

◆ Vec2i

using netdem::Vec2i = std::array<int, 2>

◆ Vec3d

using netdem::Vec3d = std::array<double, 3>

◆ Vec3i

using netdem::Vec3i = std::array<int, 3>

◆ Vec4d

using netdem::Vec4d = std::array<double, 4>

◆ Vec4i

using netdem::Vec4i = std::array<int, 4>

◆ VecNd

template<size_t N>
using netdem::VecNd = std::array<double, N>

◆ VecNi

template<size_t N>
using netdem::VecNi = std::array<int, N>

◆ VecNT

template<typename T , size_t N>
using netdem::VecNT = std::array<T, N>

◆ VecXd

using netdem::VecXd = std::vector<double>

◆ VecXT

template<typename T >
using netdem::VecXT = std::vector<T>

Function Documentation

◆ EigenToSTD() [1/8]

void netdem::EigenToSTD ( Mat3d *const std_mat,
const Eigen::Matrix3d & eigen_mat )

◆ EigenToSTD() [2/8]

void netdem::EigenToSTD ( Vec3d *const std_vec,
const Eigen::Vector3d & eigen_vec )

◆ EigenToSTD() [3/8]

void netdem::EigenToSTD ( VecXT< double > *const std_vec,
const Eigen::VectorXd & eigen_vec )

◆ EigenToSTD() [4/8]

void netdem::EigenToSTD ( VecXT< int > *const std_vec,
const Eigen::VectorXi & eigen_vec )

◆ EigenToSTD() [5/8]

void netdem::EigenToSTD ( VecXT< Vec3d > *const std_mat,
const Eigen::MatrixXd & eigen_mat )

◆ EigenToSTD() [6/8]

void netdem::EigenToSTD ( VecXT< Vec3i > *const std_mat,
const Eigen::MatrixXi & eigen_mat )

◆ EigenToSTD() [7/8]

void netdem::EigenToSTD ( VecXT< Vec4i > *const std_mat,
const Eigen::MatrixXi & eigen_mat )

◆ EigenToSTD() [8/8]

void netdem::EigenToSTD ( VecXT< VecXT< double > > *const std_mat,
const Eigen::MatrixXd & eigen_mat )

◆ from_json() [1/6]

void netdem::from_json ( const nlohmann::json & js,
BondEntry & obj )

◆ from_json() [2/6]

void netdem::from_json ( const nlohmann::json & js,
CollisionEntry & obj )

◆ from_json() [3/6]

void netdem::from_json ( const nlohmann::json & js,
ContactPP & obj )

◆ from_json() [4/6]

void netdem::from_json ( const nlohmann::json & js,
ContactPW & obj )

◆ from_json() [5/6]

void netdem::from_json ( const nlohmann::json & js,
Particle & obj )

◆ from_json() [6/6]

void netdem::from_json ( const nlohmann::json & js,
Wall & obj )


pos ,
dir_n ,
dir_s ,
dir_t ,
branch_1 ,
branch_2 ,
pos_ini ,
dir_n_ini ,
dir_s_ini ,
dir_t_ini ,
pos_1_ini ,
pos_2_ini ,
quat_1_ini ,
quat_2_ini ,
radius ,
len_n ,
len_s ,
len_t ,
dlen_n ,
dlen_s ,
dlen_t ,
theta_n ,
theta_s ,
theta_t ,
dtheta_n ,
dtheta_s ,
dtheta_t ,
active  )

◆ operator*() [1/5]

Mat3d netdem::operator* ( double lhs,
Mat3d const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [2/5]

Vec3d netdem::operator* ( double lhs,
Vec3d const & rhs )

◆ operator*() [3/5]

Mat3d netdem::operator* ( Mat3d const & lhs,
double rhs )

◆ operator*() [4/5]

Vec3d netdem::operator* ( Vec3d const & lhs,
double rhs )

◆ operator*() [5/5]

Vec3d netdem::operator* ( Vec3d const & lhs,
Vec3d const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [1/6]

Vec3d netdem::operator+ ( double lhs,
Vec3d const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [2/6]

Vec3i netdem::operator+ ( int lhs,
Vec3i const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [3/6]

Mat3d netdem::operator+ ( Mat3d const & lhs,
Mat3d const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [4/6]

Vec3d netdem::operator+ ( Vec3d const & lhs,
double rhs )

◆ operator+() [5/6]

Vec3d netdem::operator+ ( Vec3d const & lhs,
Vec3d const & rhs )

◆ operator+() [6/6]

Vec3i netdem::operator+ ( Vec3i const & lhs,
int rhs )

◆ operator-() [1/4]

Vec3d netdem::operator- ( double lhs,
Vec3d const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [2/4]

Mat3d netdem::operator- ( Mat3d const & lhs,
Mat3d const & rhs )

◆ operator-() [3/4]

Vec3d netdem::operator- ( Vec3d const & lhs,
double rhs )

◆ operator-() [4/4]

Vec3d netdem::operator- ( Vec3d const & lhs,
Vec3d const & rhs )

◆ operator/() [1/5]

Mat3d netdem::operator/ ( double lhs,
Mat3d const & rhs )

◆ operator/() [2/5]

Vec3d netdem::operator/ ( double lhs,
Vec3d const & rhs )

◆ operator/() [3/5]

Mat3d netdem::operator/ ( Mat3d const & lhs,
double rhs )

◆ operator/() [4/5]

Vec3d netdem::operator/ ( Vec3d const & lhs,
double rhs )

◆ operator/() [5/5]

Vec3d netdem::operator/ ( Vec3d const & lhs,
Vec3d const & rhs )

◆ operator<<() [1/6]

std::ostream & netdem::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
Mat3d const & obj )

◆ operator<<() [2/6]

std::ostream & netdem::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
Vec3d const & obj )

◆ operator<<() [3/6]

std::ostream & netdem::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
Vec3i const & obj )

◆ operator<<() [4/6]

std::ostream & netdem::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
Vec4d const & obj )

◆ operator<<() [5/6]

template<size_t N>
std::ostream & netdem::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
VecNd< N > const & obj )

◆ operator<<() [6/6]

std::ostream & netdem::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
VecXd const & obj )

◆ STDToEigen() [1/7]

void netdem::STDToEigen ( const Mat3d & std_mat,
Eigen::Matrix3d * eigen_mat )

◆ STDToEigen() [2/7]

void netdem::STDToEigen ( const Vec3d & std_vec,
Eigen::Vector3d * eigen_vec )

◆ STDToEigen() [3/7]

void netdem::STDToEigen ( const VecXT< double > & std_vec,
Eigen::VectorXd * eigen_vec )

◆ STDToEigen() [4/7]

void netdem::STDToEigen ( const VecXT< Vec3d > & std_mat,
Eigen::MatrixXd * eigen_mat )

◆ STDToEigen() [5/7]

void netdem::STDToEigen ( const VecXT< Vec3i > & std_mat,
Eigen::MatrixXi * eigen_mat )

◆ STDToEigen() [6/7]

void netdem::STDToEigen ( const VecXT< Vec4i > & std_mat,
Eigen::MatrixXi * eigen_mat )

◆ STDToEigen() [7/7]

void netdem::STDToEigen ( const VecXT< VecXT< double > > & std_mat,
Eigen::MatrixXd * eigen_mat )

◆ to_json() [1/6]

void netdem::to_json ( nlohmann::json & js,
const BondEntry & obj )

◆ to_json() [2/6]

void netdem::to_json ( nlohmann::json & js,
const CollisionEntry & obj )

◆ to_json() [3/6]

void netdem::to_json ( nlohmann::json & js,
const ContactPP & obj )

◆ to_json() [4/6]

void netdem::to_json ( nlohmann::json & js,
const ContactPW & obj )

◆ to_json() [5/6]

void netdem::to_json ( nlohmann::json & js,
const Particle & obj )

◆ to_json() [6/6]

void netdem::to_json ( nlohmann::json & js,
const Wall & obj )

Variable Documentation

◆ active


◆ branch_1


◆ branch_2


◆ dir_n


◆ dir_s


◆ dir_t


◆ dlen_n


◆ dlen_s


◆ dlen_t


◆ dtheta_n


◆ dtheta_s


◆ dtheta_t


◆ len_n


◆ node_2to1


◆ node_dist


◆ node_id


◆ pos


◆ radius_1


◆ radius_2


◆ vol
