NetDEM v1.0
Cnetdem::BondedSpheres | A class representing a sphere bonded to other spheres through contact pairs |
Cnetdem::BondedVoronois | A class representing a set of bonded Voronoi cells generated from an STL file |
Cnetdem::BondEntry | Collection of contact geometries and forces for one bond |
Cnetdem::BondEntryData | A struct that represents data associated with a bond entry |
Cnetdem::BondEntryParser | A class that provides functions to convert bond entry data between a class and a struct format |
Cnetdem::BondGeometries | Geometrical properties of a bond |
Cnetdem::BondSolverPP | A class for solving point-point bonds between particles |
Cnetdem::BondSolverPW | A class for solving point-wall bonds between a particle and a wall |
Cnetdem::Cell | A class representing a cell in a simulation grid |
Cnetdem::CellManager | A class responsible for managing cells in a simulation grid |
Cnetdem::CGALWrapper | The CGAL class provides a wrapper for various CGAL mesh operations |
Cnetdem::CollisionEntry | A class representing a collision entry |
Cnetdem::CollisionEntryData | A struct that represents data associated with a collision entry |
Cnetdem::CollisionEntryParser | A class that provides functions to convert collision entry data between a class and a struct format |
Cnetdem::CollisionGeometries | A class representing the geometries associated with a collision |
►Cnetdem::CollisionSolverPP | An abstract base class for particle-particle collision solvers |
►Cnetdem::CollisionSolverPW | An abstract class representing a collision solver for a particle and a wall |
►Cnetdem::Command | A base class for commands that can modify a simulation based on provided JSON information |
Cnetdem::ContactForces | A class representing the contact forces and moments arising from a contact interaction |
►Cnetdem::ContactModel | An abstract base class for contact models |
Cnetdem::ContactModelFactory | A factory class for creating contact models |
Cnetdem::ContactPP | A class representing a contact between two particles |
Cnetdem::ContactPPData | A struct that represents data associated with pairwise particle contact |
Cnetdem::ContactPPParser | A class for converting between ContactPP objects and ContactPPData structs |
Cnetdem::ContactPW | A class representing a contact between a particle and a wall |
Cnetdem::ContactPWData | Struct representing particle-wall contact data for MPI communication |
Cnetdem::ContactPWParser | A class for converting between ContactPW objects and ContactPWData structs |
Cnetdem::ContactSolverFactory | A factory class for creating and managing contact solvers |
Cnetdem::ContactSolverSettings | A container class for settings related to contact solvers |
Cnetdem::CorkWrapper | The Cork namespace contains various static methods for performing mesh operations |
Cnetdem::DEMFragment | A class representing a fragment in a discrete element method simulation |
Cnetdem::DEMObjectPool | A class implementing object pooling for particles and contacts |
Cnetdem::DEMProfiler | A profiler class for measuring performance metrics in a DEM simulation |
Cnetdem::DEMSolver | A solver class for performing discrete element method (DEM) simulations |
►Cnetdem::Distribution | |
Cnetdem::Domain | Class for managing the simulation domain and particles that belong to it |
Cnetdem::DomainManager | A class that manages the domain and sub-domains for a DEM simulation |
►Cnetdem::DomainSplittor | An abstract base class for domain splitters used in discrete element method simulations |
Cnetdem::EigenWrapper | Wrapper for various Eigen matrix operations |
Cnetdem::FEMSimulator | A Finite Element Method (FEM) simulator used for simulating the deformation of objects |
Cnetdem::GeneralNet | A class representing a general neural network |
Cnetdem::GoldenSpiralSampler | A class for generating samples from a weighted spherical centroidal Voronoi tessellation |
Cnetdem::IGLWrapper | |
Cnetdem::InputProcessor | A class that processes input JSON files to modify a simulation |
Cnetdem::IO | |
►Cnetdem::LevelSetFunction | Class for representing a level set function on a regular grid |
Cnetdem::Math | |
Cnetdem::webgpu::Math | |
►Cnetdem::Membrane | A class that simulates a membrane |
Cnetdem::MiniMap< T_key, T_val > | |
Cnetdem::MiniMap< int, netdem::ContactModel * > | |
Cnetdem::MiniMap< int, VecXT< Vec3d > > | |
Cnetdem::MiniMap< std::string, double > | |
Cnetdem::MLPackUtils | A class that defines several utility methods for ANN |
►Cnetdem::Modifier | An interface class used to modify a DEM simulation |
Cnetdem::ModifierManager | A class used to manage modifiers in a simulation |
Cnetdem::MPIDataDefine | A class for defining MPI datatypes for various data structures |
Cnetdem::MPIManager | Manages the data exchange in a DEM simulation |
Cnetdem::NeighPofP | A class representing a particle in contact with another particle or wall |
Cnetdem::NeighPofW | A class representing a particle in contact with a wall |
Cnetdem::NeighWofP | A class representing a wall in contact with a particle |
Cnetdem::PackGenerator | A class for generating packs of particles |
Cnetdem::Pair< T_key, T_val > | |
Cnetdem::PairHash | |
►Cnetdem::Particle | |
Cnetdem::ParticleData | A struct defining the particle data for MPI communication |
Cnetdem::ParticleDataGPU | A struct defining the particle data for MPI communication |
Cnetdem::ParticleEnergy | A struct used to hold energy information about a particle |
Cnetdem::ParticleParser | A class for converting between Particle objects and ParticleData structs |
Cnetdem::ParticleParserGPU | A class for converting between Particle objects and ParticleDataGPU structs |
Cnetdem::PeriDigmBlock | A class that represents a Peridigm block |
Cnetdem::PeriDigmBoundaryCondition | A class that represents a boundary condition for Peridigm |
Cnetdem::PeriDigmDamageModel | A class representing a damage model |
Cnetdem::PeriDigmDEMCoupler | A class representing a coupling between a discrete element method (DEM) simulation and a peridynamic simulation |
Cnetdem::PeriDigmDiscretization | A class representing the discretization of a peridynamic simulation |
Cnetdem::PeriDigmMaterial | A class representing the material properties used in a peridynamic simulation |
Cnetdem::PeriDigmSettings | A class representing the settings used in a peridynamic simulation |
Cnetdem::PeriDigmSimulator | A class representing a simulator for peridynamic simulations |
Cnetdem::PeriDigmStrength | |
Cnetdem::webgpu::PrefixSum | |
Cnetdem::Math::Quaternion | |
Cnetdem::webgpu::RadixSort | |
Cnetdem::RandomEngine | A class for generating random numbers |
Cnetdem::RegressionNet | A class that represents a feedforward neural network for regression |
Cnetdem::webgpu::ResourceManager | |
Cnetdem::Scene | A class for managing the elements in a DEM simulation. Scene behaves as a std container: |
Cnetdem::SDFCalculator | Class for computing signed distance fields from triangle meshes |
►Cnetdem::Shape | This class represents different types of shapes and performs various calculations on them |
Cnetdem::ShapeFactory | A class for creating Shape objects using a factory pattern |
Cnetdem::Simplex | A simplex class for representing a convex hull in n-dimensional space |
Cnetdem::Simulation | Class for managing a DEM simulation |
Cnetdem::SphericalVoronoi | Class for computing Voronoi diagrams on a sphere |
Cnetdem::STLModel | Class for working with STL models |
Cnetdem::STLReader | A class for reading STL files |
Cnetdem::TetMesh | A class that represents a tetrahedral mesh |
Cnetdem::Voronoi | A class for computing Voronoi diagrams |
Cnetdem::Wall | A class representing a wall object in a physics simulation |
Cnetdem::WallBoxPlane | A class for generating a box of six walls |
Cnetdem::WallBoxPlate | A class for generating a box of six walls with plates |
Cnetdem::WebGPUManager | |
Cnetdem::WebGPUWrapper | |
Cnetdem::WSCVTSampler | A class for generating samples from a weighted spherical centroidal Voronoi tessellation |