NetDEM v1.0
This is the complete list of members for netdem::SphericalVoronoi, including all inherited members.
SaveAsVTK(std::string const &file, VecXT< Vec3d > const &vt_nodes, VecXT< VecXT< int > > const &vt_cells, VecXT< Vec3d > const &vt_seeds) | netdem::SphericalVoronoi | static |
Solve(VecXT< Vec3d > const &vt_seeds) | netdem::SphericalVoronoi | static |
Solve(VecXT< Vec3d > const &vt_seeds, VecXT< double > const &vt_weights) | netdem::SphericalVoronoi | static |
Solve(int num_seeds, int max_iter=10000, double tol=1.0e-4) | netdem::SphericalVoronoi | static |
Solve(int num_seeds, VecXT< double > const &weights_sh_coff, int max_iter, double tol) | netdem::SphericalVoronoi | static |