NetDEM v1.0
This is the complete list of members for netdem::IGLWrapper, including all inherited members.
CheckWinding(const VecXT< Vec3d > &v, const VecXT< Vec3i > &f) | netdem::IGLWrapper | static |
ConvexHull(const VecXT< Vec3d > &v0, VecXT< Vec3d > *const v1, VecXT< Vec3i > *const f1) | netdem::IGLWrapper | static |
FacetComponents(const VecXT< Vec3i > &fi, VecXT< int > *const fc) | netdem::IGLWrapper | static |
GetPointsInsideMesh(const VecXT< Vec3d > &v, const VecXT< Vec3i > &f, const VecXT< Vec3d > &v_querry) | netdem::IGLWrapper | static |
MarchingCubes(VecXT< Vec3d > *const vv, VecXT< Vec3i > *const ff, VecXT< VecXT< VecXT< double > > > const &sdf, Vec3d const &corner, Vec3d const &spacing, double iso_value=0) | netdem::IGLWrapper | static |
MeshDecimate(VecXT< Vec3d > *const v, VecXT< Vec3i > *const f, int num_nodes) | netdem::IGLWrapper | static |
MeshIntersect(const VecXT< Vec3d > &va, const VecXT< Vec3i > &fa, const VecXT< Vec3d > &vb, const VecXT< Vec3i > &fb, VecXT< Vec3d > *const vab, VecXT< Vec3i > *const fab, VecXT< int > *const jab) | netdem::IGLWrapper | static |
MeshIntersect(const VecXT< Vec3d > &va, const VecXT< Vec3i > &fa, const VecXT< Vec3d > &vb, const VecXT< Vec3i > &fb, VecXT< Vec3d > *const vab, VecXT< Vec3i > *const fab) | netdem::IGLWrapper | static |
MeshIntersect(const VecXT< Vec3d > &va, const VecXT< Vec3i > &fa, double dist_pc_to_plane, Vec3d const &dir_n, VecXT< Vec3d > *const vab, VecXT< Vec3i > *const fab, VecXT< int > *const jab) | netdem::IGLWrapper | static |
MeshIntersect(const VecXT< Vec3d > &va, const VecXT< Vec3i > &fa, double dist_pc_to_plane, Vec3d const &dir_n, VecXT< Vec3d > *const vab, VecXT< Vec3i > *const fab) | netdem::IGLWrapper | static |
MeshRefine(VecXT< Vec3d > *const v, VecXT< Vec3i > *const f, int num_refines) | netdem::IGLWrapper | static |
RemoveDuplicateVertices(VecXT< Vec3d > *const v, VecXT< Vec3i > *const f) | netdem::IGLWrapper | static |
RemoveDuplicateVertices(VecXT< Vec3d > *const v) | netdem::IGLWrapper | static |
RemoveUnreferencedVertices(VecXT< Vec3d > *const v, VecXT< Vec3i > *const f) | netdem::IGLWrapper | static |
ReorientFacets(const VecXT< Vec3d > &v, VecXT< Vec3i > *const f) | netdem::IGLWrapper | static |
TetmeshBoundary(const VecXT< Vec4i > &tt, VecXT< Vec3i > *const ff, VecXT< int > *const fj) | netdem::IGLWrapper | static |
TetmeshBoundary(const VecXT< Vec4i > &tt, VecXT< Vec3i > *const ff) | netdem::IGLWrapper | static |