- Source code:
- Website:
Post-processing scripts
Other relevant softwares
Easybuild: a software environment for easing the configuration, building and installation computational packages. Now support:
deal.II: a C++ program library targeted at the computational solution of partial differential equations using adaptive finite elements.
liggghts: an open source discrete element method particle simulation software that is improved from LAMMPS for general granular and granular heat transfer simulations. This project used a modified version that includes granular bond formulations.
netdem: a neural network machine learning enabled DEM framework for computational particle mechanics. [to be open-source soon]
openfoam: a free, open source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software package released by the OpenFOAM Foundation.
peridigm: an open-source computational peridynamics code developed, originally at Sandia National Laboratories and open-sourced in 2011, for massively-parallel multi-physics simulations.