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This class represents a level set function.



Creates a new instance of the LevelSetFunction class.



A vector representing the corner of the level set function.


A vector representing the spacing of the level set function.


An integer representing the dimension of the level set function.



Set the corner of the level set function.

  • corner (vector): A vector representing the corner to set.

Set the spacing of the level set function.

  • spacing (vector): A vector representing the spacing to set.

Set the dimension of the level set function.

  • dim (int): An integer representing the dimension to set.

Compute the signed distance at a given position.

  • pos (vector): A vector representing the position to compute the signed distance.

Compute the gradient at a given position using interpolation.

  • pos (vector): A vector representing the position to compute the gradient.

Compute the gradient at a given position using the minus side.

  • pos (vector): A vector representing the position to compute the gradient.

Compute the gradient at a given position using the plus side.

  • pos (vector): A vector representing the position to compute the gradient.

Reinitialize the level set function.

Reinitialization(iterations, cfl)

Reinitialize the level set function with the given number of iterations and CFL coefficient.

  • iterations (int): The number of iterations to perform. Default is 1.
  • cfl (double): The CFL coefficient to use. Default is 0.5.


This class is used for reading STL files.



Creates a new instance of the STLReader class.



Reads an STL file and returns the vertices and triangles.

  • filename (string): The name of the STL file to read.


This class represents a 3D model loaded from an STL file.



Creates a new instance of the STLModel class.

STLModel(vertices, facets)

Creates a new instance of the STLModel class with the specified vertices and facets.

  • vertices (list): A list of vertices in the model, where each vertex is a 3D vector. facets (list): A list of facets in the model, where each facet is a tuple of three vertex indices.



A list of vertices in the model, where each vertex is a 3D vector.


A list of facets in the model, where each facet is a tuple of three vertex indices.



Loads an STL file and initializes the model from it.

  • file_path (string): The path to the STL file.

Loads an OFF file and initializes the model from it.

  • file_path (string): The path to the OFF file.

Translates the model by the specified translation vector.

  • translation (list): A 3D vector representing the translation.

Rotates the model by the specified rotation matrix.

  • rotation (list): A 3x3 rotation matrix.

Creates a copy of the model's current pose.


Creates a copy of the model's current pose on the device.


Saves the model as a VTK file.

  • file_path (string): The path to the output VTK file.

Saves the model as an STL file.

  • file_path (string): The path to the output STL file.

Removes any vertices from the model that are not referenced by any facets.


Removes any duplicate vertices from the model.


Reorients the facets in the model so that their normals point outward.


Reduces the number of facets in the model using mesh decimation.

  • target_num_faces (int): The desired number of facets in the decimated model.

Standardizes the model by centering it at the origin and scaling it to unit size.


Scales the model to the specified size.

  • size (float): The desired size of the model.

Converts the model to a convex hull.


Smooths the mesh by averaging the position of each vertex with the positions of its neighbors.

  • smoothing_iterations (int): The number of smoothing iterations to perform.

Merges the current model with another STLModel.

  • other_model (STLModel): The model to merge with.

Returns the model as a list of triangle strips.

IsFaceOutside(facet_index, point)

Checks whether a given point is outside the face with the specified index.

  • facet_index (int): The index of the face to check.
  • point (list): A 3D vector representing the point to check.

Checks whether the model is convex.


This class represents a sampler using the weighted stochastic collocation (WSC) method with the variable transformation technique (VTT).


WSCVTSampler(max_iters=1000, tol=1e-6)

Creates a new instance of the WSCVTSampler class.

  • max_iters (int, optional): The maximum number of iterations for the optimization algorithm. Default is 1000.
  • tol (float, optional): The tolerance for the optimization algorithm. Default is 1e-6.



The maximum number of iterations for the optimization algorithm.


The tolerance for the optimization algorithm.



Returns a singleton instance of the WSCVTSampler class.

Get(num_samples, new_random=False)

Generates a set of samples using the WSC method with VTT.

  • num_samples (int): The number of samples to generate.
  • new_random (bool, optional): If True, generate a new set of random numbers. Default is False.


This class represents a Voronoi object.


Solve(points, stl_model, bool_val)

Computes Voronoi tessellation given a set of points and an STLModel.

  • points (VecXT): A vector of Vec3d points.
  • stl_model (STLModel): An instance of the STLModel.
  • bool_val (bool): A boolean value.
Solve(stl_model, int_val1, int_val2, double_val, bool_val)

Computes Voronoi tessellation given an STLModel, and specified parameters.

  • stl_model (STLModel): An instance of the STLModel.
  • int_val1 (int): An integer value.
  • int_val2 (int): An integer value.
  • double_val (double): A double value.
  • bool_val (bool): A boolean value.

Saves the Voronoi tessellation as a VTK file.


This class provides methods for boolean operations on triangle meshes.



Creates a new instance of the Cork class.


MeshIntersect(vertices1, triangles1, vertices2, triangles2, vertices_out=None, triangles_out=None, labels_out=None)

Computes the intersection between two triangle meshes.

  • vertices1 (VecXT): A vector of vertices defining the first mesh.
  • triangles1 (VecXT): A vector of triangles defining the first mesh.
  • vertices2 (VecXT): A vector of vertices defining the second mesh.
  • triangles2 (VecXT): A vector of triangles defining the second mesh.
  • vertices_out (VecXT, optional): A vector to store the output vertices. If not provided, a new vector will be created.
  • triangles_out (VecXT, optional): A vector to store the output triangles. If not provided, a new vector will be created.
  • labels_out (VecXT, optional): A vector to store the output labels. If not provided, a new vector will be created.
MeshUnion(vertices1, triangles1, vertices2, triangles2, vertices_out=None, triangles_out=None, labels_out=None)

Computes the union of two triangle meshes.

  • vertices1 (VecXT): A vector of vertices defining the first mesh.
  • triangles1 (VecXT): A vector of triangles defining the first mesh.
  • vertices2 (VecXT): A vector of vertices defining the second mesh.
  • triangles2 (VecXT): A vector of triangles defining the second mesh.
  • vertices_out (VecXT, optional): A vector to store the output vertices. If not provided, a new vector will be created.
  • triangles_out (VecXT, optional): A vector to store the output triangles. If not provided, a new vector will be created.
  • labels_out (VecXT, optional): A vector to store the output labels. If not provided, a new vector will be created.
MeshDifference(vertices1, triangles1, vertices2, triangles2, vertices_out=None, triangles_out=None, labels_out=None)

Computes the difference between two triangle meshes.

  • vertices1 (VecXT): A vector of vertices defining the first mesh.
  • triangles1 (VecXT): A vector of triangles defining the first mesh.
  • vertices2 (VecXT): A vector of vertices defining the second mesh.
  • triangles2 (VecXT): A vector of triangles defining the second mesh.
  • vertices_out (VecXT, optional): A vector to store the output vertices. If not provided, a new vector will be created.
  • triangles_out (VecXT, optional): A vector to store the output triangles. If not provided, a new vector will be created.
  • labels_out (VecXT, optional): A vector to store the output labels. If not provided


This module provides bindings for OpenMP, a specification for parallel programming in C++.


omp_get_max_threads() -> int

Returns the maximum number of threads that can be used in parallel sections.

omp_set_num_threads(num_threads: int) -> None

Sets the number of threads to be used in parallel sections.

  • num_threads (int): The number of threads to be used.

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