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The compilation requires gcc, autoconf, automake, cmake, mpi, boost, which can be obtained using

# For MacOS: use brew install, such as
brew install gcc autoconf automake cmake openmpi boost

# For Ubuntu: use apt-get install, such as
sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt-get install -y autoconf-archive automake cmake texinfo
sudo apt-get install openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev libboost-all-dev

Compile and build

make sync_submodule

If some third-party libraries have not been or cannot be downloaded successfully, you can delete them and do a git checkout contrib and make sync_submodule again.

Test the installation


Installation on Apple M1

(As of Dec. 20 2021)

  • OpenMP seems not compitible with Apple M1. To enforce an OpenMP installation, set USE_INTERNAL_OPENMP in netdem CMakeLists.txt to OFF, and use brew install libomp to install a pre-built copy of OpenMP.

  • Add M1 support to fast_winding_number functional in igl via SIMDE (please see the discussion in

    • Install simde using brew install simde.
    • Add -flax-vector-conversions to the gcc complier flag in netdem CMakeLists.txt.
    • Add the following lines to the FastWindingNumberForSoups in igl and comment out the #include <emmintrin.h> line.
#include <simde/x86/sse.h>
#include <simde/x86/sse4.1.h>

// Recent GCC define the macro in x86intrin.h
#define _MM_MK_INSERTPS_NDX(srcField, dstField, zeroMask) (((srcField)<<6) | ((dstField)<<4) | (zeroMask))
  • Build netdem following the original procedures.


Using dependencies already in the system would save the time required by the compilation of the whole project. Some dependencies (e.g., mlpack) would take fairly long time to compile. One can check out the log files in contrib/[package]/ep/src/[package]-stamp/ for the compiling, building and installing progresses of the dependencies. Some packages (e.g., boost and mpi) could take forever to compile. It is recommended that you install pre-build boost and mpi using tools such as brew install in mac os, or apt-get install in ubantu.

Installation of CFD-DEM (updated as of 2023)

  • Install prerequisites: the compilation requires gcc, autoconf, automake, cmake, mpi, boost, which can be obtained using

    # For MacOS: use brew install, such as
    brew install gcc autoconf automake cmake openmpi boost
    # For Ubuntu: use apt-get install, such as
    sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libgmp-dev
    sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev openmpi-bin zlib1g-dev libboost-all-dev
    sudo apt-get install flex bison gnuplot libreadline-dev libncurses-dev libxt-dev
  • Install netdem from

    mkdir apaam
    cd apaam
    git clone .
    cd netdem
    make pip_install
    cd ..
  • Install openfoam from

    git clone .
    cd openfoam_customized
    cd ..
  • Init OpenFOAM environment by adding the following lines to and sourcing the .bashrc (where $path_apaam is the path of apaam)

    export APAAM_DIR=$path_apaam
    export path_openfoam=$path_apaam/openfoam_customized/OpenFOAM-build
    alias openfoam_init='source $path_openfoam/etc/bashrc'
    echo "using openfoam=$path_openfoam"
  • Install cfddem from

    git clone .
    cd cfddem
    cd ..
  • Add the library and binary directory to system PATH in .bashrc (where $path_apaam is the path of apaam)

    export PATH=$PATH:$path_apaam/cfddem/build/bin

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