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We summarize some useful tips in linux and computer methods, e.g., github token, DNS issue, etc.

Github token and gh

Github has abundon the access option of username and pwd and chosen to use token, which becomes fairly inconvenient. A solution to make life easier is to use github CLI (i.e., gh) to set up the access. For using github CLI, one may still need a token, which can be obtained from, for the initial set-up.

fastgithub for github DNS

One may encounter 404 issue when accessing github relevent resources, which is very likely due to the DNS issue. A solution is to use fastgithub. As a practice, I put the following snippet in my bashrc/zshrc terminal profile. Once I need to use a git commmand towards github, I run git_proxy_set and fastgithub first, and then run conventional git commands, such as pull/fetch/push, and finally git_proxy_unset to reset git proxy. Before using fastgithub, one may need to follow the instruction in fastgithub to set up the certificates.

alias fastgithub=/Users/lzhshou/MyBin/fastgithub_osx/fastgithub

alias git_proxy_set='\
  git config --global http.proxy && \
  git config --global https.proxy'
alias git_proxy_unset='\
  git config --global --unset http.proxy && \
  git config --global --unset https.proxy'

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